Jaedyn Judd

Jaedyn Judd


During this service as action experience, the main thing that I learned was that it means a lot to give back to the community. This project has really made me aware of how privileged I am as a person. Being fed three meals a day, attending school and living in a stable house with my family. So, giving back to people who are struggling due to the Covid-19 pandemic or other reasons has shown me how important is to step back and really focus on the important things in life and appreciate what I have. In addition, giving back to the community has really given me happiness within myself as it overall feels really amazing to help people who are less privileged as you.


For this service as action, our job was to work as a group and prepare the required number of meals for people who can’t afford meals for their family. The church in Warwick provides all of the sides and main foods which are then divvied up into each take away dish. They are then given out where people can come and take them. We had to work as a group and put each part of the meal into the take away dish including the main meat, two sides, and dessert which all come together to consist to a full meal.


This service as action experience has taught me how food essentially brings people together. It also brings happiness to one another as eating normally satisfies and is the key to comfort for many people. Also having a meal together as a family brings people closer in a setting

Also having a meal together as a family brings people closer
— Jaedyn Judd
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