Sam Lindo

Sam Lindo


The volunteer work taught me about myself how much better I work while focused on one specific task rather than multi-tasking. This was really clear while packaging the food. I was very efficient while working on the gravy but when I had to also do the persons task next to me while they helped take the packaged of food inside. The line got backed up on my area. I slowed down even more than half (which would mathematically be the case). This taught me that I work much better on single tasks, and that I should not multitask if possible.


What I learned about my community is that there are many people who are in a worse position in life, but there are many people who are the complete opposite that are willing to help those in the worse position. I learned that communities work better and are able to achieve more in general, when they come together and play their respective parts. A benefit of a community is its ability to come together to benefit everyone. I learned that my community is always willing to help each other before themselves.

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I learned that food is a luxury. Not everyone has access to it. It hurts me to know how many people cannot get enough food to survive, and there is little that I can do to change that. However, I am able to shake off that negative feeling by looking at the positive. What I have done, helping prepare food, must make those without the luxury of food so happy. It helps me to understand that, though my impact is small towards the grand issue of starvation. My service greatly impacted the individuals that receive the food I helped package.It is a very comforting feeling, and in my opinion, is a great way to help with anxiety. I am a person who does not experience a lot of anxiety, but it still comforts the many thoughts that rush through my mind.

My service greatly impacted the individuals that receive the food I helped package.
— Sam Lindo
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