The Birth of a Blog

The Birth of a Blog

If someone had told me a few months ago, I'd be launching a new blog a la  students,  I wouldn't have believed it. Not that I don't like blogging or cooking, but I'd gotten out of the swing of things with my original Blog "Don't Burn the Ribs," and I was drowning in marking and planning and still polishing my novel. Besides could I even blog without poking fun at my husband? 

But sometimes an idea born of culinary and literary passion takes root and even though you have your doubts, you suddenly realize that there is something growing inside of you that must be birthed. That frightening moment when you fear for the logistics of the situation and wonder if you will survive, but as you eat and write and cook and teach and scheme, the enthusiasm of your student chefs shines through and your new blog is born.

If you like what you see on "The Write to Cook" please subscribe to receive news and updates. Until then—happy cooking!


Meet Arabella

Meet Arabella