Meet Katiah

Meet Katiah

What's one ingredient you couldn't live without? 

I couldn’t live without cheese because cheese adds flavor to everything. 

What's your favorite restaurant? 

Coconut Rock is my favorite restaurant because they have a wide variety of foods that I love. 

Describe what you would choose to eat if it were your last meal ever. 

My last meal would be ice cream because ice cream is well.  

What are your favorite breakfast foods? 

My favorite breakfast foods are fruit, waffles and pancakes. 

Who taught you how to cook? 

My mama thought me how to cook. 

What's your favorite Somersfield 'hot lunch?”

 My favorite hot lunch is the Tacos on Taco Tuesday. 

Describe one food you simply will not eat?

 I definitely will not eat raisins, bananas and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. 

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

 My favorite ice cream flavor is Chocolate chip cookie dough because I love chocolate and cookie dough. 

If you had a restaurant, what cuisine would you serve?

 I would serve soul food like chicken and Mac n Cheese.  

Tasty Tip Episode: 60

Tasty Tip Episode: 60

Tasty Tip: Episode 59

Tasty Tip: Episode 59