What’s one ingredient you couldn’t live without?

One ingredient I could not live without is crushed black pepper because I love to season my food.

What’s your favorite restaurant?

My favorite restaurant is Wahoo’s because I eat their quite a lot, and now I love their food.

Describe what you would choose to eat if it were your last meal ever?

My last meal that I would have is lobster because I have never had it and it sounds good and also a side of spicy chicken wings because they are my favorite.

What are you favorite Breakfast foods?

My favorite breakfast food are pancakes, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and bacon.

Who taught you how to cook?

My mom taught me how to cook some breakfast foods.

What’s your favorite Somerfield ‘hot lunch’?

My favorite hot lunch is definitely taco Tuesday. Their tacos are really good.

Describe one food you simply will not eat?

I would never eat Brussels sprouts unless I were getting $ 1 million.

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate mint chip.

If you had a restaurant, what cuisine would you serve?

If I had a restaurant, I would serve spicy chicken wings with a side of French fries.



Meet Petie

Meet Petie